Simplify Lives, Nurture Business, Help you live YOUR Dream.

Simplify Lives, Nurture Business, Help you live YOUR Dream.
Authentication | Productivity | Backup | Security | SupportAtlas Cloud Workspace
All your Files in One Place. Safe. Secure. Available Anywhere.
Atlas features a cloud environment that is as diverse as your business.
Find out how we do it.

Using Multi Factor Authentication and Single Sign-On we create a simple way to interact with your system.
Send emails, edit documents, and share files from the cloud with Cloud File Sharing and Critical Office Applications.

Send emails, edit documents, and share files from the cloud with Cloud File Sharing and Critical Office Applications.

Your Email, Shared Files, and Computer User Data are backed up with 6 months of retention.

Your Email, Shared Files, and Computer User Data are backed up with 6 months of retention.
Protection for your complete system from your Email to your Endpoint with Encryption and Ransomware Scanning.

Protection for your complete system from your Email to your Endpoint with Encryption and Ransomware Scanning.

With a passion for support and a desire to serve, we help you live YOUR dream.